Does anyone know how you would skin the playlist in Coolplayer 2.15???
on Nov 27, 2004
Playlist skinning support was dropped from build 206 - for whatever reason(s)
Your guess is as good as anyones..
on Nov 27, 2004
probably cause idiots like me were too lazy to skin it anyway.
on Nov 27, 2004

'Idiot', no
'Lazy', well... coughcough... no comment

on Nov 27, 2004

you ok? that cough doesn't sound so good.
on Nov 29, 2004
It's me again, so, since you cannot skin playlists in coolplayer above v.2.06, where could I get a copy of v.2.06? Would it be available anywhere? Thank You for your replies!!!
on Nov 30, 2004

All available builds can be downloaded here: